Title: Fringe (Season 2) (2009)
Episode Number: 23
TvRage: http://www.tvrage.com/Fringe
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1119644/
Episode Number: 23
TvRage: http://www.tvrage.com/Fringe
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1119644/
pass: heavenz-w.blogspot.com
Plot: A television drama centered around a female FBI agent who is forced to work with an institutionalized scientist in order to rationalize a brewing storm of unexplained phenomena.
File Names: Fringe.S02Exx.720p.BluRay.x264-SiNNERS.mkv
File Names: Fringe.S02Exx.720p.BluRay.x264-SiNNERS.mkv
File Size: 1.46 GB
Play Time: ~44 min
Resolution: 1280x720 ( AR: 16:9 )
Codec: AVC, x264
Container: MKV
FPS: 23,976
BitRate: ~3900 Kbps
Audio: English
Codec: AC-3
Channels: 6
Sample Rate: 48KHz
BitRate: 640 Kbps
Sub Titles
English (UTF)